Buying a catamaran or a trimaran: what are the differences?

Would you like to buy a sailing boat, but are hesitating between a catamaran and a trimaran? We’ll explain everything you need to make the perfect choice and sail to your heart’s content.

The trimaran in detail

Buying a catamaran or a trimaran: what are the differences? 2025

The base: the trimaran is a three-hull yacht, with a central hull, the largest, surrounded by two thinner hulls made up of floats. These floats stabilize the boat. The floats are connected to the base by linking arms. These may be tubes, beams or caissons. The central hull includes the mast.

In the case of the anti-drift system, the daggerboards are installed directly on the floats. Lifting daggerboards can also be fitted to the central hull.

The catamaran in detail

The catamaran has two parallel hulls. They can be powered by either an engine or sails. Motorized models are generally used for transporting people. Sail-powered models are mainly used for learning. It is also possible to use a sailing catamaran for solo lake cruising.

Understand the differences between the two boats to help you make the right choice

First, let’s look at the similarities. Both boats are multihulls. Multihulls are faster than monohulls. This is achieved by the tapered profile of the hulls. Resistance in the water is significantly reduced.

Now let’s talk about safety. The trimaran is considered the safest boat on the market. The three hulls provide greater resistance and better balance, especially in rough seas and strong winds. As the wind increases, the leeward float will sink, braking the boat. This increases safety. Nevertheless, you should always bear in mind that capsizing is always a possibility, even with a trimaran.

A fuse system completes the trimaran’s safety. This will prevent any breakage problems.

The difference also lies in the uses to which the two boats are put.

The trimaran is generally used for pleasure boating. Some professionals also use them for small-scale cruising. It should also be added that the trimaran is wider and therefore takes up more space. This can be of considerable importance when it comes to storage.

Still on the subject of trimarans, this is a boat that is widely preferred for racing. The trimaran’s ability to evolve almost to measure, as well as its higher performance, make it the boat of choice for racing. In light to moderate winds, the trimaran responds better.

It’s easier to maneuver, even for beginners (provided they’ve had a few lessons!).

Catamarans are almost exclusively designed for pleasure sailing. To date, however, catamarans have been used by the military for specific projects.


Why buy a trimaran?

This type of sailboat goes faster than its counterpart. This means you’ll be able to sail farther. You’ll be able to cover more distance in the same time.

Another advantage of this type of craft is its stability. The trimaran is known for not listing. It will therefore be a friend to families or people who are not very sure of their sailing. It’s also ideal for those who suffer from seasickness. This problem disappears.

This boat is also more comfortable. The platform can be extended with trampolines from one float to the other, as required.

It’s also a very light sailboat. It can be launched by a single person. It can also be towed by almost any boat. It can also be transported anywhere, which is a significant advantage when accessing remote waters.

The trimaran is ideal for sailing close to the rocks. But it does require the ability to beach without difficulty. That’s why the central hull pivots. The same applies to the rudder blade.

We use the trimaran mainly for coastal cruising, but also in season for regattas. The trimaran is therefore versatile.

Before deciding on a trimaran, you’ll need to consider the various options available. You can also invest in a trailer, useful for getting around, an outboard motor or even a paddle or kayak, which will become an intelligent tender.

As with a catamaran, you’ll also need to think about insurance.

Why choose a catamaran?
Buying a catamaran or a trimaran: what are the differences? 2025

It has been pointed out that the catamaran is a slower boat than its counterpart. However, it should be pointed out that it doesn’t stand still. It can outrun the elements without the slightest problem. It’s around 20% faster than a simple monohull.

Modern catamaran technology means you can cover between 200 and 250 miles a day. So you can have fun and discover new places without wasting time.

In addition to speed, catamarans have no ballast in the keels. So it relies solely on buoyancy for stability. Although the general rule is that the ratio between length and beam is 50%, today you can find many catamarans with a different profile. It’s possible to add a few meters to the beam for greater stability and less pitching. This enables them to cope with roll in the best possible conditions.

With a catamaran, sail changes and reefing are easier than with a monohull, for example. So the risk of going overboard is much lower.

Comfort is greater. This reduces fatigue.

The catamaran also offers greater stability at anchor. Even in windy conditions, the boat won’t move. Draughts are also lower with a catamaran. So you can sail closer to shore.

One of the catamaran’s major advantages over the trimaran is that the tender is very easy to install, thanks to the easily accessible davit. It may even be unnecessary.

Finally, the catamaran’s habitability is unrivalled. If you’re looking for a home on the water, look no further than a catamaran. You’ll be able to install electrical appliances, desalination equipment and air conditioning. You’ll also be able to invite more guests. And since there’s virtually no headroom, there’s no need for handrails, which saves even more space than, say, a conventional monohull.

There are, however, a few drawbacks to catamarans. The first is rattling. The low nacelle receives all the waves. In bad weather, this can be a nuisance. You should also be aware that a catamaran offers fewer sensations. Unless it’s a sporty model.

As a larger boat than a trimaran, the price of berths in harbors will also be higher. You need to think about this before choosing the perfect boat for you. It’s also important to bear in mind that a catamaran without a motor will be difficult to handle in harbors, for example.

As for the purchase price, a well-equipped model will be more expensive than a trimaran. This can also play an important role in your choice.

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